A casual gamer talking about games.
idunno116's Articles In PC Gaming
April 28, 2010 by idunno116
Guild Wars 2, the MMO I am looking forward to the most, has announced the first playable class. It is the Elementalist, making a grand return from GW1. And I must say from the class description page, it sounds even more awesome than the GW1 version! http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/elementalist/
December 4, 2009 by idunno116
Hey, theres a new Guild Wars 2 video up on their website as well as a new section of their website. The info is nothing new, its just describing the different races, but the real kicker is that we not only get to see a little bit of each race's enviornments in greater detail (especially the capital cities which actually seem like cities), but that theres actual snippets of combat too! Now I must ask you, which race will you play as?