A casual gamer talking about games.
Published on April 28, 2010 By idunno116 In PC Gaming

Guild Wars 2, the MMO I am looking forward to the most, has announced the first playable class. It is the Elementalist, making a grand return from GW1. And I must say from the class description page, it sounds even more awesome than the GW1 version!


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 16, 2010

What's wrong with that scythe? Scythes ain't weapons really but don't see anything wrong with that one. But that bow... impractical. I prefer realistic looks over anything else (of course i've given up on this, since most good stuff look over-done. Not an issue though)

I'll check out the trial today if i have time.

... Wait, you can color your armor? Woot! Definetly testing the game ASAP. Never understood why Blizzard can't implement armor coloring. They talk about diversity and customization and then they're fine with everyone running in identical gear...

EDIT trial downloaded and account created. Crappy UI. Not very much customization when it comes to controls, Can't disable mouse click movement (annoying if i do it accidentally). Even Europe server(s) have average latency of 300ms... Unplayable almost. And hair styles are horrible, as are faces. Tell me there are full helmets for elementalists. Or any class for that matter. And that i can get one soon. Prob should try fighter rather than elementalist. Oh and the characters look a but too anime... i dearly hope GW2 doesn't have such. Animations ain't that good.

Hmm. Not very good first impression really.

on May 16, 2010

There's nothing wrong with that scythe; I just used it as an example of what the easy-to-get stuff typically looks like. I actually prefer many of the "plain" designs myself. My ranger is currently using a Feathered Flatbow, Deldrimor Recurve, and a Maplewood Longbow. (Okay, that Deldrimor one is kinda flashy, but I've seen worse.)

You can disable click-to-move in the options window (F11). Check "Disable mouse walking" on the General tab; it's the top item on the list. The Controls tab also lets you reassign all your keybindings, so I'm not sure what you're looking for in terms of customization.

The UI hasn't changed much function-wise since beta, but every part of it can be moved around the screen. (Interface tab in the Options window)  Hair and face options are different depending on which chapter you start in. It's a little annoying and I agree that there should be more options, but it's something they're improving for GW2. Animations are another area that's getting fixed in the sequel. 

Lag can be a problem sometimes, especially when they're doing events like they have been. Not much we can do about it, unfortunately.

on May 16, 2010

I can honesly say the only time I lagged in GW was when I played on Dial-up >.> anyway this thread makes me want to start GW back here I come Kurzicks say you're prayers.

Edit: I like my weapons flashy >.> http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Murakai%27s_Reaver

and my shields http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Exalted_Aegis_(unique).jpg

And since their cheap (lol I iz poor on GW ) it fits my needs ^.^

on May 16, 2010

Hmph. Lack of monthly fee can be seen as lag, eh? WoW never has more than 200ms latency (not counting rare lag spikes), usually around 100-150ms for me. Can't be an issue on my end, since, other than SC2 which lags constantly, i have no lag problems.

Gotta check the UI tab more carefully. I've noticed that your mental and physical state can affect your judgement a lot. I complained a few days ago about SC2, but now i don't have those issues. When i wrote the first impressions earlier, my back was hurting.

Bah. Once again i've got too many games to play and too many interestests. And totally wrong priorities

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