A casual gamer talking about games.
Published on February 11, 2008 By idunno116 In Technical
I've had this game for about a day or so and I think its the bomb, but i noticed something. During the player setup screen (after picking the map) I pick whichever race I want to play with but leave the opposing computer (I play on random small maps) to random. However, for some unknown reason to me, the computer is "randomly" the same race as what i chose. Has anybody else had this problem?
on Feb 11, 2008
No, it seems pretty random to me. Some end up the same, because it IS random.
on Feb 11, 2008
33% chance. Thats fairly high. And since it dosnt track what i chose before (for all i know) it could very well be ur race every time just by chance
on Feb 12, 2008
I assume you are playing the game far enough to actually meet your opponent, right? I've only had the game for a couple days now, and nearly all of the planets you meet will have natives that fly the same ships as you. Your actual opponent will take a while to encounter. Of course, I've only played as the TEC, so I assume the natives fly the same ship as the player. Maybe they are always in TEC ships. Anyway, of the three games I've played so far, not one has had the TEC as my archrival.
on Feb 12, 2008
they are always TEC ships because the war takes place entirely on TEC worlds.